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HS Multi-Email Sender 7.2

HS Multi-Email Sender HS Multi-Email Sender 7.2

Screenshots of HS Multi-Email Sender

HS Multi-Email Sender Publisher's Description

The software sends newsletter or offer e-mails to a periodic email list using various sending methods according to user needs as well as complexity of user levels. For novice users, it offers direct email sending which does not require any special configuration and the steps are easy to produce. Also for advanced users, there are database management techniques and SQL capabilities for better controlling mailing list system. Other than sending emails, the software can also be used as Email Verifier, Email Collector, Mailing List Manager and Duplicate Email Remover.

What's New in Version 7.2 of HS Multi-Email Sender

Full compatibility with Windows 7 , new GUI, reported bugs fixed.

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